As published in the Public Notice & Agenda for a 2.19.09 meeting of California's Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC):
In the Matter of Michael J. Malik Sr., Michael J. Malik, Sr. Trust, and MJM Manistee, Inc., FPPC No. 07/195. Staff: Commission Counsel Angela Brereton. Respondents Michael J. Malik, Sr., Michael J. Malik Sr., Trust, and MJM Manistee, Inc. (collectively, “Respondent Committee”) jointly qualified as a single “major donor committee” under the Act for calendar year 2006. Respondent Committee filed a required semi-annual campaign statement but failed to disclose on the statement 17 contributions made during the reporting period totaling $26,500, in violation of Government Code sections 84200, subdivision (b), and 84211, subdivision (k)(5) (1 count). Total Proposed Penalty: $4,000. Order / Exhibit
This isn't the first time Malik has broken the law. Considers these incidents:
Malik is currently facing federal fraud charges in Florida (Goldberg v. Malik) relating to a Securities & Exchange Commission ponzi scheme case against one-time entertainment promotor Jack Utsick.
Last year, Malik was found guilty on illegal firearms related charges in Arizona.
In its 2.19.09 findings, the FPPC acknowledges that a casino affiliate of Mrs. Marian Ilitch and Malik, BarWest LLC, was found in 2006 to have violated the same CA campaign reform laws and Malik agreed to pay fines and file the appropriate disclosures in that matter.
Malik was once arrested for beating up the 12-year-old son of a girlfriend.
Last year, Malik was found guilty on illegal firearms related charges in Arizona.
In its 2.19.09 findings, the FPPC acknowledges that a casino affiliate of Mrs. Marian Ilitch and Malik, BarWest LLC, was found in 2006 to have violated the same CA campaign reform laws and Malik agreed to pay fines and file the appropriate disclosures in that matter.
Malik was once arrested for beating up the 12-year-old son of a girlfriend.