SOUTHAMPTON -- … attorneys for the Town of Southampton Thursday said the Shinnecock Indian Nation would build a casino the size of the Foxwoods Resort in Hampton Bays … the 79-acre Westwoods parcel ... environmental analysts based their findings on a 4.7-million-square-foot facility mirroring Foxwoods …
"They are being financed by Ilitch," he added, referring to the Detroit-based casino developers who are paying the Shinnecock'slegal fees. … But Tom Shields, a spokesman for Gateway Funding Associates, a company formed by casino investors Marian Ilitch and Michael Malik to fund the Shinnecocks, said the town was seeking to exaggerate traffic and environmental nightmares …"There's only one Foxwoods and there's no definite plans at this point in time," Shields said of blueprints for a Shinnecock casino … more…http://www.newsday.com/news/local/longisland/ny-lishin1215,0,4335907.story?coll=ny-top-headlines
It's all verifiable: archives, resources and stuff they might not tell you.
A comprehensive archive chronicling the activities of Motor City casino syndicators (Marian Ilitch & Family, Michael Malik, Herb Strather, etc.); their associates, partners & affiliates; and the unfulfilled commercial & Indian casino schemes they are bankrolling in Michigan (Port Huron, Flint Township), Hawaii (Waikiki), New York (Long Island / The Hamptons), and California (Barstow).
Friday, December 15, 2006
Town lawyers say Shinnecocks eye huge resort
Shinnecock tribe faces hurdles to get land
SOUTHAMPTON -- Ask Betty Cromwell . . . 82-year-old tribal elder can recall childhood games of red rover on Hamptons property that the Shinnecocks sought in a land claim that was dismissed two weeks ago . . . In his Nov. 28 decision denying a 3,700-acre land bid by the Shinnecocks, U.S. District Judge Thomas Platt did not dispute that the tribe once inhabited prime real estate, including the Shinnecock Hills Golf Club . . .
. . .With the financial backing of Detroit-based casino developers, the Shinnecocks filed their 3,700-acre claim on June 15 of last year, only to see the Cayuga decision handed down 13 days later. Platt cited it and an equally important March 2005 U.S. Supreme Court case against the Oneida Indian Nation in his decision to throw out the Shinnecocks' land bid. . . more . . .
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Big Lagoon Rancheria trust plan under fire
Coastal Commission has concerns about five acre parcel; wants denisty ordinance. Big Lagoon Rancheria Chairman Virgil Moorehead said there will be no such ordinances.12.13.06
Times-Standard, CA
BIG LAGOON -- The California Coastal Commission has a few concerns about a Bureau of Indian Affairs proposal to bring five acres of Big Lagoon Rancheria land into trust. . . . five acres of land at the southwest corner of the intersection of U.S. Highway 101 and Big Lagoon Park Road (the entrance to Big Lagoon) . . . "The proposed placement of the subject parcel into federal trust status to allow development of three single-family residences on the five-acre parcel is not consistent with development policy of Section 30253 of the Coastal Act,” according to the Commission's report . . . Big Lagoon Rancheria leaders disagree with the Coastal Commission's conclusions. Chairman Virgil Moorehead stated there would be no ordinances drafted restricting certain types of development on the five acres. more . . .
You may want to review the following posts:
The Verifiable Truth: Big Lagoon Chairman, Marian Ilitch up to old tricks; but threats and dishonesty haven't made progess in the past.
The Verifiable Truth: Big Lagoon Rancheria purchases 16 acres
The Verifiable Truth: In a move right out of the Ilitch Bay Mills playbook, CA's Big Lagoon acquires 16 acres, increases leverage
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Ilitch bankrolling Bay Mills Indians for more than a decade

". . . In the 1990s, both backed the Bay Mills Indian tribe in their ultimately failed bid to construct a casino in Port Huron, Mich. . ."
Port Huron Times Herald
" . . . Mike Malik, a Clay Township native who has been working with the Ilitch family for six years to develop a casino at the Thomas Edison Inn, raised several questions at that March council meeting.
"He expressed doubt, for example, that all 11 of Michigan's recognized Indian tribes would endorse DeFeo's casino. A single tribe could block the project, including the Bay Mills band that's part of the Edison Inn proposal. . ."
". . . Dick Cummings, president of the Michigan Machinists Council and a strong supporter of the Malik-Ilitch casino, went even further.
"I'm no genius, but I can do the math," Cummings said. "If a person goes around asking $100,000 a point, that adds up to $10 million. Well, no one builds a casino for $10 million. You don't build the parking garage for that. (Malik and the Ilitches) have spent more than $10 million just in legal fees."
You may also want to review these posts:
The Verifiable Truth: Rep. Candice Miller introduced HR 813 on February 13, 2003 to approve settlement of unsubstantiated land claims and a casino for Port Huron
The Verifiable Truth: Aide negotiated '11th Hour' Port Huron casino deal for Gov. Engler; then returned to private practive, retained by those who got the deal
The Verifiable Truth: Voters & local officials questioned Gov. Engler's flip-flop on casino policy and the Port Huron casino deal he signed on his way out the door.
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Google News: Indian Gaming
NEWS: Bay Mills Indian Community & Casino Proposals
NEWS: Shinnecock Indian Nation (Gateway Casino Resorts) Casino Proposals
NY Times: Shinnecock Indian Nation
NEWS: Los Coyotes Indian Tribe
NEWS: Los Coyotes / Barwest Barstow Casino Proposals
NEWS: Michael J. Malik, Sr.
NEWS: Marian Ilitch
Muckety.com: Mapping Social Networks