Those of you who have been so helpful in providing tips and resources for TheVerifiableTruth.com (TVT), and as such form the foundation of TVT, will find it
humorous or
perhaps even pathetic to know that Ilitch spokesman and political operative
Tom Shields is so desperate to find someone to blame for Ilitch's failure to produce a casino in Barstow the last six years that he's
manufactured a big conspiracy theory that ties together the
San Manuel Band of Mission Indians located in San Bernardino County, California; a
Barstow citizen activist who TVT has featured on this blog once or twice; and that "full-time anonymous blogger"
This is an all too frequent strategy for Shields when he has no where else to turn. Shields can't admit his clients' shortcomings or failures.
1. San Manuel Band of IndiansIt is no secret the San Manuel Band of Mission Indians opposes the unorthodox scheme that Marian Ilitch and Mike Malik have tried to push through for a mega gambling resort in Barstow with at least two Indian casinos. That tribe has made no bones about its opposition to Detroit Developers attempting to relocate two adopted tribes from opposite ends of California to a site in the Mojave Desert where the San Manuel Band of Indians ancestors have endured and made their homelands over the centuries.
The San Manuel Band of Indians is
one of fourteen tribes in the greater Southern California region who publicly oppose the Ilitch/Malik scheme for Barstow. The only Southern California tribe that supports the scheme is the one that Ilitch/Malik wants to transplant in Barstow, the Los Coyotes Band of Indians from San Diego County.
In fact, TVT is unaware of any endorsement of the Ilitch/Malik Barstow casino scheme by any other tribes or tribal organizations in California.
2. Barstow Citizen Activist Larry HalsteadPerhaps the loudest opponent of the Ilitch/Malik Barstow casino scheme is a local Barstow activist, Larry Halstead. Apparently Halstead is the chair of the local Democratic Club and he ran for Barstow City Council in 2006. It's quite obvious he wasn't one of the candidates that Ilitch/Malik backed with their $200,000 Barstow campaign budget in 2006. Rather, Halstead raised money from alternative sources and from what TVT has gathered the San Manuel Band of Indians contributed to his campaign. Needless to say, Halstead did not win his race for City Council given his modest campaign budget.
Rather than address the numerous questions and concerns Mr. Halstead has raised about the Ilitch/Malik Barstow casino scheme, their spokesman Tom Shields has desperately taken to making personal attacks on Halstead. It's mostly based on hearsay. Because the San Manuel Tribe gave Halstead a campaign contribution, Shields has now stretched that acknowledged truth to accuse Mr. Halstead of being on the tribe's "payroll."
TVT encourages Mr. Shields to document his claims with something other than his manufactured rumors! Perhaps Mr. Shields should first reveal who the anonymous donors to his $200,000 campaign fund really are. And then explain why 98% of his $200,000 budget had to come from people who don't live or work in the remote Mojave Desert community.
3. TheVerifiableTruth.comAnd then Shields -- in back-handed admission of the effectiveness and impact that the citizen activists behind TVT are having in exposing the unethical practices, corruption, lies, half-truths and sobering realities behind the various Ilitch/Malik schemes -- is making allegations about TVT that just aren't true no matter how you look at the situation.
Larry Halstead appears to reference TVT at various City Council meetings. So no doubt that's where the pathetic Shields came up with his hollow theories connecting the San Manuel Tribe, Halstead and TVT. Please...more than 14,400 people have visited TVT and scores have made reference to or hyperlinked their Web pages to TVT. Focusing on Larry Halstead and the tribe from Southern California is underestimating the force you're dealing with!
Someone ought to tell Shields he needs to re-examine his qualifications for his day job!
Tom Shields is simply a liar. Shields falsely insists that TVT, "
a full-time anonymous blogger," was hired and funded by the San Manuel Tribe. This is just another manufactured attack to avoid answering the many reasonable quesitons and verifiable concerns raised by TVT or citizen activists around the country.
Tom Shields may have had a $200,000 budget in Barstow and he collects hundreds of thousands (likely a million or more) each year from the Ilitch familyand the various Ilitch Holdings Inc. subsidiaries, affiliates and partners (someone should let Marian know she's paying far too much); but neither TVT nor any of the volunteer citizen activists in New York, Michigan and California or elsewhere who form the foundation of the TVT network are being paid to do what we do. Each of us is motivated by the pure fact that Tom Shields and his clients are just bad people and its time for these bullies to be exposed. They've exploited, threatened and used people in New York, Michigan, California and Washington D.C.; to advance their personal ventures at any cost, for much too long.
Mike Malik and his band of bullies blew the Barstow dealThe 1st amendment rights we enjoy in a free and open society coupled with the power of the internet have empowered and enabled TVT. It's the dawn of a new era that will make it difficult for ruthless people like Mike Malik and his band of bullies to conduct business as usual.
Next time you hear Tom Shields or anyone else whose part of the Ilitch/Malik network spout off, ask them to produce the documented proof that backs up what they claim. And when they turn to personal attacks, tune them out. Their personal attacks are a desperate acknowledgment that the claims made by those they attack are likely the truth.
The Ilitch/Malik Team's failure to conduct business in public; failure to invite, engage and negotiate in good faith with those who have other interests and concerns; and failure to develop and maintain trust and confidence among the public and policy makers are at the core of the Ilitch/Malik Team's downfall.
The Ilitch/Malik Barstow casino scheme failed because it simply was a flawed highly unorthodox plan.