Thursday, June 16, 2011

Another Ilitch Leaves Family Business


Atanas Ilitch is leaving the family business.

The son of pizza and sports icon Mike Ilitch said today that he is resigning as president of Olympia Development. The real estate company, owned by Mike and Marian Ilitch, handles the real estate for all their companies.

The move was announced in a press release issued today in which Atanas Ilitch cited “outside business interests” requiring his attention as he leaves Olympia Development.

“The team we have at Olympia Development is highly capable, which makes me very comfortable in making this move at this time,” he said in the press release.“ My personal business interests continue to require more of my day-to-day time and attention.

“In my opinion, this is a win-win, and I look forward to recruiting a highly capable and experienced individual to lead Olympia Development into the future.”

A request for an interview was sent to Ilitch this afternoon, but no response was given.

Chris Ilitch, president and CEO of Ilitch Holdings Inc., said his brother has been a key part of the business.

“I greatly appreciate the leadership that Atanas has provided at Olympia Development over the last six years and the tremendous vision and leadership he has shown in our community,” Chris Ilitch said in the statement.

“My brother is one of the most passionate and creative persons I know, and he is absolutely committed to making our community a better place for all.”

Atanas Ilitch became president of Olympia Development in 2005. He has held other positions in the Ilitch companies over the years, including president of Olympia Entertainment from 1993 to 2000.

The search will begin immediately for a new president of Olympia Development. Atanas will help find his successor and stay on until that person is appointed, according to the company’s statement.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Casino 'site' a beauty | Shinnecock Indians Pick Estée Lauder Property on Long Island

June 13, 2011


An old Estée Lauder facility on Long Island has been chosen by the Shinnecock Indian Nation's gaming authority as a site for a long-planned casino, The Post has learned.

The sprawling 29-acre property in Yaphank, which once housed a distribution center for the cosmetics giant, recently got the nod from the tribe's divided gaming authority.

The site was a late consideration and gained momentum because the building -- the size of five football fields -- could easily house a casino and would eliminate the need for a new structure, sources said.

Located roughly 60 miles from Manhattan off Exit 66 of the Long Island Expressway, the facility was built in 1989 and has more than 230,000 square feet of space. There are already 800 parking spaces available.

"That would just speed things up," said a source close to the process. "Obviously, if you already have a building in place, that's a tremendous advantage."

But opponents argue the site isn't big enough for large-scale expansion.

Until recently, Brookhaven Airport and another Yaphank property were the front-runners. The tribe's full membership still has to approve the choice.

The tribe is also eyeing about 30 surrounding acres as potential space for expansion.

The parcel's current landlord, Rechler Equity, currently rents it to a paper-products company. Officials there didn't return calls for comment.

But it will still be a long time before anyone yanks a slot machine handle at the site. Even if the tribe successfully purchases the property and the surrounding acres, any nonreservation casino has to be placed in a federal trust, an increasingly difficult proposition for American Indian tribes.

Situated on a grim reservation amid the glitz and glamour of the Hamptons, the Shinnecocks have long argued that gaming would resuscitate their fading fortunes.

Shinnecock spokeswoman Beverly Jensen acknowledged the property has been vetted but said no final call has been made. 

Related Stories at 
Report: Shinnecock Nation picks Long Island site for casino (6/14)
Report: Residents discuss Shinnecock Nation's casino bid (5/24)
Shinnecock Nation hasn't committed to a casino location (5/19)
Announcement expected for Shinnecock Nation casino plan (5/11)
Shinnecock Nation said to be close to reaching casino deal (4/28)

Blogger's NOTE: For nearly a decade Detroit Casino Syndicators Michael J. Malik, Sr. and Mrs. Marian Ilitch (Gateway Casino Resorts) have bankrolled various failed Casino Proposals on behalf of the Shinneock Indians.

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NEWS: Shinnecock Indian Nation (Gateway Casino Resorts) Casino Proposals

NY Times: Shinnecock Indian Nation

NEWS: Los Coyotes Indian Tribe

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