It's all verifiable: archives, resources and stuff they might not tell you.
A comprehensive archive chronicling the activities of Motor City casino syndicators (Marian Ilitch & Family, Michael Malik, Herb Strather, etc.); their associates, partners & affiliates; and the unfulfilled commercial & Indian casino schemes they are bankrolling in Michigan (Port Huron, Flint Township), Hawaii (Waikiki), New York (Long Island / The Hamptons), and California (Barstow).
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Case Dismissed: Barwest LLC v. Barron Mazel, Gretchen Belli, et al
According to Court documents, the Court quickly ruled the Complaint was defective because the Plaintiffs had failed to disclose the identity and citizenship of all the members of the two LLCs. Something required to determine jurisdiction of the Court.
The Plaintiffs countered back explaining that there were currently two members of each of the LLCs: (1) a Marian Ilitch Trust Agreement and (2) a Michael J. Malik Living Trust and that both entities were domiciled in Michigan. Plaintiffs failed however to disclose who the Trustees or beneficiaries of those two entities were and so the court again asked for disclosure.
Shortly thereafter, the Plaintiffs opted to file for a dismissal of the case.
Was this just another one of the frivilous lawsuits that Michael Malik and Marian Ilitch bring upon others simply for the purpose of bullying? If not, then why did they abandon a legitimate claim?
Prior to he discovery of this lawsuit, few who were following the plans to bring an Indian casino to Barstow were aware of the defendants or what role they had played or were playing in the pursuit. Some further details came to light and it became clear that there was much strife and turmoil among and between Barwest (Michael Malik) and its partners.
A look at the Barronhaus Ltd. Web site suggests that Barron Mazel, founder and managing director of the firm, has been an investment banker specializing in corporate finance, project financing and mergers and acquisitions and leveraged transactions for the past 40 years; and that he counts among his clients Barwest LLC and the Los Coyotes Band of Indians.
Four Charlotte Beach parcels purchased by Michael Malik or his associates since 2002
Charlotte Beach Subdivision, Barbeau, Michigan
Properties purchased or otherwise acquired by Michael J. Malik, Sr. or his associates during the last decade.
Parcel No: | 0023250730000 | ||
Site Address: | 3915 S 1 COTTAGE RD BARBEAU, MI 49710 | ||
Mail Address: | 280 W MAPLE RD 31 BIRMINGHAM, MI 48009-3344 |
Acquired by CB Property Investments, L.L.C. (William Serwer, Michael J. Malik’s business attorney) from Dale E. Bertram and Duane A. Bertram & Rhea Bertram June 12, 2002 for an undisclosed sum through foreclosure (approximately three months before Governor Engler concluded negotiations on a Bay Mills Indian Community land claims settlement agreement over Charlotte Beach lands).
Parcel No: | 0023250260000 | ||
Site Address: | 3915 S 1 COTTAGE RD BARBEAU, MI 49710 | ||
Mail Address: | 280 W MAPLE RD 310 BIRMINGHAM, MI 48009-3344 |
Acquired by CB Property Investments, L.L.C. (William Serwer, Michael J. Malik’s business attorney) from Dale E. Bertram and Duane A. Bertram & Rhea Bertram June 12, 2002 for an undisclosed sum through foreclosure (approximately three months before Governor Engler concluded negotiations on a Bay Mills Indian Community land claims settlement agreement over Charlotte Beach lands).
Parcel No: | 0023200210000 | ||
Site Address: | 3611 S 1 COTTAGE RD BARBEAU, MI 49710 | ||
Mail Address: | 15050 HARMONY LN CHEBOYGAN, MI 49721-8433 |
Originally purchased by James F. Hadley in 1996; acquired by Luna Properties Charlotte Beach LLC (Tom Celani) November 9, 2004 for a value 21.3% greater than Hadley originally paid; sold to Castagnes in 2005 at a value 56.6% greater than Celani acquired the property for from Hadley Estate a year earlier.
Parcel No: | 0023200110000 | ||
Owner(s): | REED JAMES M & BETH E | ||
Phone: | (918) 446 - 1344 [do not call] | ||
Site Address: | 3819 S 1 COTTAGE RD BARBEAU, MI 49710 | ||
Mail Address: | 4615 OAK LEAF DR TULSA, OK 74132-2127 |
Originally purchased by James F. Hadley in 1996; acquired by MJM Charlotte Beach, L.L.C. (Michael J. Malik) November 9, 2004 for a value 21.3% greater than Hadley originally paid; sold to Reed in January 2006 for an undisclosed value.
TIMELINE – chain of ownership
If you desire copies of the register and tax documents that TVT has obtained regarding these properties please write
NOTE: Originially posted 8.08.07 & updated 11.08.08 to reflect parcels 0023250730000 & 0023250260000 appear to have been obtained by CB Property Investments as part of a foreclosure action.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Rep. Miller Jockeying for House Appropriations Seat

Ilitch elected to U of M Board of Regents

Michigan casino developers must be pleased that despite predictions Rep. Young won re-election
Rep. Young, Alaska's sole House member since 1973, appears to have survived an otherwise bruising night for House Republicans across the U.S. He maintains a comfortable lead over his Democratic challenger, former state Rep. Ethan Berkowitz, capturing 51.49% to Berkowitz’s 43.97%.
Young, who championed the "Bridge to Nowhere" among other controversial earmarks, is embroiled in a corruption investigation and facing scrutiny for a controversial highway-bill earmark (Coconut Road, FL) that benefited one of his donors/fundraisers, Daniel Aronoff. .
Among other things, Young has relentlessly helped Malik advance various schemes intended to approve an off-reservation casino in Port Huron, Michigan, to be built and managed by Malik whose partners have included Marian Ilitch, Harrah's and others.
During the last decade, Rep. Young served as Chairman, Vice Chairman and now Ranking Member of the House Natural Resources Committee which has oversight of Indian gaming matters. Young co-sponsored two of at least seven bills introduced intending to pave the way for Malik's casino plans -- H.R. 5459 (2002) & H.R. 831 (2003). During the second session of the 110th Congress, Young successfuly championed Natural Resources Committee approval of H.R. 2176 and then passionately lead the failed floor fight for passage of the bill.
Young, previously Chairman of the House Transportation Committee, also attempted to use transportation appropriations bills during 2004 & 2005 to slip through, under the radar, approvals Malik needs; a controversial practice that Young carried out on behalf of other donors as well.
During the last six years, Malik and his partners have retained several of Rep. Young's "A-Team" lobbyists -- secretly paying some of them more than $665,000. They've used their private aircraft to fly Young to various U.S. destinations and fronted other entertainment costs, and contributed thousands to Young's various campaign committees and other GOP committees that benefit Young -- in 2006 they were among his top 10 donors.
For a more complete picture of Young's relationship with Malik and partners, see our post from August 2007 or click on the label "Don Young."
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Oddly, Cullens buy home of development partner J.C. Miller
In April it was announced that Matt Cullen, a long time senior real estate executive with General Motors, would become President and Chief Operating Officer of Rock Enterprises, an umbrella entity that serves the portfolio of companies and investments owned by Dan Gilbert, including Quicken loans, Inc. and the NBA’s Cleveland Cavaliers. Karen Cullen is vice president for corporate communications at Ilitch Holdings, Inc.
Matt Cullen and John “J.C.” Miller (J.C. Miller Construction Company, Inc.), along with Tom Vigliotti (Vigliotti Real Estate Investments LLC), are partners in CMV, a company that’s developing an exclusive residential community on the Canadian shoreline of Lake Huron known as HuronCrest Estates.
Matt Cullen formed Cullen Real Estate LLC in May 2003. The entity is registered at 742 Shelden in Gross Pointe Shores, MI.
Miller and Vigliotti developed the Great Lakes Technology Centre in the late 1980s on the site of the former Fisher Body Plant in Flint, MI. While General Motors had leased back significant space in the Centre, ultimately Miller & Vigliotti were forced to sell part of the development to a local Land Bank for $10.
Group controlled by Michigan casino interests launches dishonest robo-calls to influence Barstow elections
The pre-recorded robocall messages attempt to blame Barstow Councilman Joe Gomez for the failure by BarWest, a Detroit casino syndicator, to get a casino approved in Barstow. The caller says Gomez told legislators in Sacramento that Barstow didn’t want a casino and is responsible for losing 2,000 jobs in Barstow. That’s simply not true. Gomez’s testimony in Sacramento included no such statement. (See Transcripts). Rather, Gomez is the only candidate for Mayor of Barstow who has supported multiple competing proposals for casino development in Barstow -- not just the schemes by BarWest.
However, Gomez is challenging two-time incumbent Mayor Lawrence Dale, a politician who, since first elected in 2000, has worked tirelessly to guarantee BarWest the exclusive rights to any future casino development in Barstow. In fact, informed observers believe Dale is one of those to be held accountable for the failure to bring a casino to Barstow. Dale has repeatedly taken action to block proposals by other casino developers at all costs. Among other things, he's been called out for violating residents' first-ammendment rights, using his title and City letterhead to represent his personal interests and holding secretive meetings. The transcripts from the Legislative Hearing in question suggest that Mayor Dale's testimony may have been the most damaging to the plans for a casino.
Reports and court documents indicate the political campaign committee responsible for the robocalls, Barstow Citizens for Real Economic Development, is a front group for BarWest.
In 2006, the Committee reported spending close to $200,000 in an unprecedented attempt to influence elections in Barstow; yet it reported raising less than $48,000. Of the money it raised, $40,000 (83%) came in checks from two BarWest principals Michael Malik & Marian Ilitch.
Since the June 2006 Election Primary, the Committee hasn’t reported raising any additional funds and has continued to show a debt of close to $150,000. The debt is the result of close to $150,000 paid in 2006 to vendors and consultants on behalf of the Committee by BarWest operative Tom Shields and his Lansing-based firm Marketing Resources Group (MRG).
Nearly 2.5 years later the Committees’ debt to Shields (MRG) has gone un-reimbursed. And now the Committee is engaging in new expenses.
Was Shields "reimbursed” by unreported sources and if so, who's paying the bills? Is Shields acting as creditor/lender to the Committee? Is the Committee really a "controlled committee" and if so did it fail to appropriately disclose that fromthe beginning?It's naive to think Shields (MRG), an experienced nationally recognized GOP operative, spent $150,000 on behalf of some grassroots committee in Barstow and won't get "paid back."
This isn't the first time those affiliated with BarWest have engaged in sleazy and even unlawful campaign activity. For more than a year and half, the California Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) has been investigating the lobbying and campaign finance practices of BarWest and its principal Michael Malik. BarWest was previously fined by the FPPC for failing to disclose a $26,600 contribution it made to a GOP Committee in San Joaquin.
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Google News: Indian Gaming
NEWS: Bay Mills Indian Community & Casino Proposals
NEWS: Shinnecock Indian Nation (Gateway Casino Resorts) Casino Proposals
NY Times: Shinnecock Indian Nation
NEWS: Los Coyotes Indian Tribe
NEWS: Los Coyotes / Barwest Barstow Casino Proposals
NEWS: Michael J. Malik, Sr.
NEWS: Marian Ilitch Mapping Social Networks