How does MLB oversee those sponsorships between MLB teams and casino operations which allow legal sports betting on their premises?...
...In Detroit there appears to be a long-standing conflict of interest with respect to the ownership of the Detroit Tigers as well as the MotorCity Casino, purchased by Ilitch Holdings, Inc. in 2005, which purportedly owns both entities simultaneously.
Michael Ilitch and his wife, Marion Ilitch [Marian Ilitch], are listed as the Tigers’ owner and the MotorCity Casino owner, respectively. The question arose when it was revealed that Marian Ilitch is Vice Chairman of Ilitch Holdings, Inc. which also owns the Detroit Tigers. But Ilitch friend and Commissioner Bud Selig overlooked the proprietary conflict and asked his staff to stand-down...
It's all verifiable: archives, resources and stuff they might not tell you.
A comprehensive archive chronicling the activities of Motor City casino syndicators (Marian Ilitch & Family, Michael Malik, Herb Strather, etc.); their associates, partners & affiliates; and the unfulfilled commercial & Indian casino schemes they are bankrolling in Michigan (Port Huron, Flint Township), Hawaii (Waikiki), New York (Long Island / The Hamptons), and California (Barstow).
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Ilitch has long-standing conflict of interest, Selig looks the other way
An article on, "MLB Ramps Up Casino Partnerships," by writer Diane M. Grassi asks:
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Court Settlement fast-tracks Shinnecock recognition, casino plans

Shinnecock Indians Contemplate a Casino as They Close In on Federal Recognition
The Shinnecock Indian Nation cleared a major hurdle toward its goal of federal recognition on Tuesday when it entered into a settlement with the Interior Department that requires a preliminary ruling on its tribal status by the end of the year.
Shinnecock leaders would like to run the first casino in downstate New York, and wrote to Gov. David A. Paterson on Tuesday, citing the settlement as an impetus to begin talks with the state on a range of issues.
After a court fight of more than 30 years, the Shinnecocks believe that federal recognition is in their grasp; they have long been recognized by the state, and a federal judge described them as a sovereign tribe in a 2005 ruling. The settlement gives the federal government until Dec. 15 to make a preliminary ruling on the Shinnecocks’ status.
The implications for New York could be considerable.
The Shinnecocks are based in Southampton, N.Y. Once federally recognized, they would immediately have the right to build a “Class II” casino on their 800-acre reservation, a designation that would mean they could have thousands of video slot machines, but no table games. Like other tribes, the Shinnecocks see a casino as a way to lift their members out of poverty, a condition highlighted by the tribe’s proximity to the extravagance of the Hamptons. (Complete Story)
The Shinnecock Indian Nation cleared a major hurdle toward its goal of federal recognition on Tuesday when it entered into a settlement with the Interior Department that requires a preliminary ruling on its tribal status by the end of the year.
Shinnecock leaders would like to run the first casino in downstate New York, and wrote to Gov. David A. Paterson on Tuesday, citing the settlement as an impetus to begin talks with the state on a range of issues.
After a court fight of more than 30 years, the Shinnecocks believe that federal recognition is in their grasp; they have long been recognized by the state, and a federal judge described them as a sovereign tribe in a 2005 ruling. The settlement gives the federal government until Dec. 15 to make a preliminary ruling on the Shinnecocks’ status.
The implications for New York could be considerable.
The Shinnecocks are based in Southampton, N.Y. Once federally recognized, they would immediately have the right to build a “Class II” casino on their 800-acre reservation, a designation that would mean they could have thousands of video slot machines, but no table games. Like other tribes, the Shinnecocks see a casino as a way to lift their members out of poverty, a condition highlighted by the tribe’s proximity to the extravagance of the Hamptons. (Complete Story)
TVT Note: The Shinnecock plans are being bankrolled by Gateway Casino Resorts, a casino syndication affiliate formed by Detroit's Marian Ilitch and Michael J. Malik, Sr. in 2003. They have spent $1.6 million on federal lobbying expenses alone.
Ilitch and her husband Mike Ilitch own the Detroit Red Wings and co-founded Little Caesars pizza stores. She owns Detroit's MotorCity Casino and he owns the Detroit Tigers. Their interests are closley held by the family owned Ilitch Holdings, Inc.
Ilitch partner delinquent on Harsens Island property taxes

The nine parcels have a 2009 equalized value of $1,224,500. Malik's delinquent 2008 tax bills total $9,417.57.
Malik had attempted to win approval to develop a marina on the Harsens Island property in the 1990s. More recently he has resurrected those plans and expanded them to include clustered residential units and estate lots. His latest plans however, have also failed to win approvals from local and state agencies.
Malik is partners with the Detroit's Ilitch family on various casino and real estate ventures. For more than a decade, he has pushed plans to develop a Bay Mills Indian casino in Port Huron, MI. Those plans are also supported by members of the Ilitch family. Mrs. Marian Ilitch owns Detroit's MotorCity Casino.
Lucky 7 Development LLC was originally formed by Denise Ilitch and her former husband Jim Lites.
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Google News: Indian Gaming
NEWS: Bay Mills Indian Community & Casino Proposals
NEWS: Shinnecock Indian Nation (Gateway Casino Resorts) Casino Proposals
NY Times: Shinnecock Indian Nation
NEWS: Los Coyotes Indian Tribe
NEWS: Los Coyotes / Barwest Barstow Casino Proposals
NEWS: Michael J. Malik, Sr.
NEWS: Marian Ilitch Mapping Social Networks
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certainly must reads!
● Ilitch has backed loosing sports teams and pizza, but casinos in Detroit? 10.09.06 ● Marian Ilitch #1 on "25 Most Powerful People" to Watch 2006” global gaming business o1.oo.o5 ● My Kingdom for a Casino Forbes 05.08.06 ● Big Lagoon’s casino dream awakens north coast journal 07.28.05 ● Shinnecocks launch legal claim to Hamptons land 06.16.05 ● Ilitch Plans to Expand Casino Empire 07.05.05 ● Ilitch outbids partners 04.14.05 ● Ilitch enmeshed in NY casino dispute 03.20.05 ● Marian Ilitch, high roller 03.20.05 ● MGM Mirage to Decide on Offer for Casino in Detroit 04.16.05 ● Secret deal for MotorCity alleged 02.15.05 ● Los Coyotes get new developer 02.08.05 ● Detroit casino figure to finance Barstow project 07.07.03 ● Indian Band trying to put casino in Barstow 06.04.03 ● Pizza matriarch takes on casino roles 10.23.02 ● Vanderbilt gets short straw in negotiations for a casino Lansing Journal 10.06.02 ● Indians aim to drive family from tribe in vicious dispute san diego union tribune 04.09.00 ●Malik owns 2000 Michigan Quarter Horse of the Year 01.01.00 ● Detroit Team to run Michigan’s newest Indian casino 05.23.99 ● Tiger ties tangle Marian Ilitch 04.29.99 ● Three investors must sell their Detroit casino interests 04.25.99 ● Partners’ cash revived election; They say money was crucial to Prop-E 04.25.99 ● Investors have troubled histories las vegas review journal 04.27.99 ● Investor served probation for domestic assault on 12 year old boy 04.25.99 ● Can a pair win a jackpot?: local men hope to... 03.17.97
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