Documents filed with the Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Growth indicate John Kotlar, Vice President of Tax Affairs at Detroit-based Ilitch Holdings, Inc. has replaced attorney William D. Serwer as Resident Agent of:
Originally organized in September 2003 as Empire Ventures, L.L.C.; one month later Serwer changed the entity’s name to Empire Associates, L.L.C.; and then in January 2004 he changed the entity’s name to Gateway Casino Resorts, L.L.C.
Serwer remains as Resident Agent of Gateway Manager, Inc., an assumed affiliate, which has yet to file a 2009 Annual Report.
Serwer, primary business attorney for gambling promoter Michael J. Malik, Sr., and his numerous affiliates, has been Resident Agent for dozens of Malik affiliates dating back to the early 1990s.
Malik and Mrs. Marian Ilitch are reportedly the principals behind the Gateway affiliates which were organized to pursue casino development opportunities with the Shinnecock Indian Nation on Long Island, NY. Gateway had pursued opportunities to manage future gambling operations at New York's Aqueduct Racetrack.
Mirroring the Gateway changes, Kotlar also recently replaced Serwer as Resident Agent of several other Malik/Ilitch gambling affiliates (Barwest, LCB Barwest, etc.) originally organized to pursue casino development and management opportunities in Barstow, CA.
Ilitch is the owner of Detroit’s MotorCity Casino. She’s vice chairwoman of Ilitch Holdings, Inc. which is the parent company of Little Caesars pizza (co-founded with husband Mike Ilitch), Detroit Red Wings, Detroit Tigers, Olympia Entertainment and scores of other Ilitch Family controlled affiliates.
See Comprehensive List: Malik/Ilitch Family Affiliates
It's all verifiable: archives, resources and stuff they might not tell you.
A comprehensive archive chronicling the activities of Motor City casino syndicators (Marian Ilitch & Family, Michael Malik, Herb Strather, etc.); their associates, partners & affiliates; and the unfulfilled commercial & Indian casino schemes they are bankrolling in Michigan (Port Huron, Flint Township), Hawaii (Waikiki), New York (Long Island / The Hamptons), and California (Barstow).
Friday, April 24, 2009
Forbes reports drop in Ilitch net worth; value of Detroit Tigers

In it’s March 2009 ranking of “The World’s Billionaires,” Forbes is calculating the net worth of Detroit’s Mike Ilitch at $1.4 billion. In September 2008, as part of its annual ranking of the “400 Richest Americans,” Forbes had estimated Ilitch’s net worth at $1.6 billion.
As part of its Billionaires List coverage, Forbes writer Claire Obusan reports:
The gambling hall owned by Ilitch's wife, Marian Ilitch, is facing financial woes as well. Investors demanded earlier this year that Ilitch inject MotorCity Casino with $45 million cash; and Moody's has now placed the casino property's parent company, CCM Merger, Inc., on its "Bottom Rung" list anticipating the company will go into default.
Here are links to see how Ilitch and his various affiliates currently rank on Forbes’ various annual lists:
As part of its Billionaires List coverage, Forbes writer Claire Obusan reports:
"Pizza patriarch and sports team owner Michael Ilitch fell off the Forbes 400 in 2005 after other tycoons outpaced his $815 net worth. Ilitch bounced back a year later after revamping his Little Caesars pizza chain and watching the value of his two pro sports teams, the Detroit Redwings [sic] and Detroit Tigers, soar. In 2006 his net worth rose to $1.5 billion, and his sports and pizza empire have since successfully weathered the current recession. Ilitch's net worth was estimated at $1.4 billion this March, down 13% from 2008."As we previously reported, in its annual valuation of Baseball teams published this week, Forbes estimates the value of Ilitch’s Detroit Tigers dropped 9% in the last year and Forbes analysts anticipate further financial woes for the team during the 2009 season.
The gambling hall owned by Ilitch's wife, Marian Ilitch, is facing financial woes as well. Investors demanded earlier this year that Ilitch inject MotorCity Casino with $45 million cash; and Moody's has now placed the casino property's parent company, CCM Merger, Inc., on its "Bottom Rung" list anticipating the company will go into default.
Here are links to see how Ilitch and his various affiliates currently rank on Forbes’ various annual lists:
- 400 Richest Americans (9.17.08)
- America’s Largest Private Companies (11.03.08)
- The Business of Baseball (4.22.09)
- The Business of Hockey (10.29.08)
- The World’s Billionaires (3.11.09)
Forbes reports Detroit Tigers lost $26M; saw 9% drop in value

The Business Of Baseball
#21 Detroit Tigers
#21 Detroit Tigers
The skinny
Just two seasons after reaching the World Series the Detroit Tigers won only 74 games in 2008. The Tigers managed to accomplish this despite having a $136 million payroll, fourth highest in baseball. But Tiger fans stayed faithful, with a team-record 3.2 million of them pouring through the

Forbes: #21 Detroit Tigers
Forbes: 2009 MLB Valuations
Crain's Detroit Business: reports 9% decline in value of Detroit Tigers franchise
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Ilitch VP replaces Malik attorney as resident agent of gambling affiliates
According to documents filed with the Michigan Department of Labor & Economic Growth, John Kotlar, Vice President of Tax Affairs at Ilitch Holdings, Inc. has replaced attorney William D. Serwer as Resident Agent of:
Serwer, primary business attorney for gambling promoter Michael J. Malik, Sr., and his numerous affiliates had been Resident Agent of these entities since they were formed. Serwer has been Resident Agent for most Malik controlled affiliates dating back to the early 1990s.
Serwer remains as resident agent for the following affiliates which have yet to file 2009 Annual Reports:
It has been reported that Malik and Mrs. Marian Ilitch are the principals behind the Barwest entities which were formed beginning in 2003 to advance casino development projects in Barstow, CA.
Ilitch is the owner of Detroit’s MotorCity Casino and vice chairwoman of Ilitch Holdings, the parent company of Little Caesars pizza, Detroit Tiger, Detroit Red Wings, Olympia Entertainment and various other sports, restaurant, entertainment and real estate ventures. Kotlar is resident agent for most entities under the Ilitch Holdings umbrella.
A legally binding Stipulation on file in California and signed by Malik indicates that:
Serwer, primary business attorney for gambling promoter Michael J. Malik, Sr., and his numerous affiliates had been Resident Agent of these entities since they were formed. Serwer has been Resident Agent for most Malik controlled affiliates dating back to the early 1990s.
Serwer remains as resident agent for the following affiliates which have yet to file 2009 Annual Reports:
It has been reported that Malik and Mrs. Marian Ilitch are the principals behind the Barwest entities which were formed beginning in 2003 to advance casino development projects in Barstow, CA.
Ilitch is the owner of Detroit’s MotorCity Casino and vice chairwoman of Ilitch Holdings, the parent company of Little Caesars pizza, Detroit Tiger, Detroit Red Wings, Olympia Entertainment and various other sports, restaurant, entertainment and real estate ventures. Kotlar is resident agent for most entities under the Ilitch Holdings umbrella.
A legally binding Stipulation on file in California and signed by Malik indicates that:
“Barwest, LLC, is a casino development company based in Detroit, Michigan. At the time of the prior enforcement action [Aug. 2006], Respondent Malik was a non-majority partner in Barwest, LLC, with some - but not full – decision making authority.”See comprehensive list: Companies controlled by the Ilitch Family and/or Malik.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Detroit-based Michael Malik wants AZ Commission to reconsider five-year hunting license revocation and $14,995 fine

An official Notice & Agenda for a 4.17.09 meeting of the Arizona Game and Fish Commission indicates a tenacious Detroit-based Michael J. Malik, Sr., seeks a rehearing on a decision the Commission made in December 2008.
At that meeting, the Commission fined Malik $14,995 for shooting a trophy elk too close to residences without the permission of the homeowners; and revoked his right to hunt, fish and trap in Arizona and 32 other states for the next five years. Item 11 on the Notice & Agenda for the 4.17.09 meeting read:
- Item 11
Presenter: Gene Elms, Law Enforcement Branch Chief. Rehearing Request Regarding Previous License Revocation/Civil Assessment. Mr. Michael Malik has requested that the Arizona Game and Fish Commission grant a rehearing regarding the action taken on revoking his licenses to hunt, fish, and trap for a period of five (5) years, invoking a civil assessment of $8,000.00, and further requiring that he complete a Hunter Education course before obtaining any license in the State of Arizona. The Commission may vote to affirm or modify its decision, or grant a rehearing.
Malik was found guilty in Arizona's Pinetop Justice Court on 8.29.08 of discharging a firearm within the quarter-mile limit of occupied residences while taking elk. (See: Michigan man found guilty on charge stemming from elk hunt).
The criminal conviction authorized the Commission to take civil action against Malik which it did at its 12.05.08 meeting. (See: Michigan man assessed $14,995 for killing trophy elk near homes).
The criminal conviction authorized the Commission to take civil action against Malik which it did at its 12.05.08 meeting. (See: Michigan man assessed $14,995 for killing trophy elk near homes).
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certainly must reads!
● Ilitch has backed loosing sports teams and pizza, but casinos in Detroit? 10.09.06 ● Marian Ilitch #1 on "25 Most Powerful People" to Watch 2006” global gaming business o1.oo.o5 ● My Kingdom for a Casino Forbes 05.08.06 ● Big Lagoon’s casino dream awakens north coast journal 07.28.05 ● Shinnecocks launch legal claim to Hamptons land 06.16.05 ● Ilitch Plans to Expand Casino Empire 07.05.05 ● Ilitch outbids partners 04.14.05 ● Ilitch enmeshed in NY casino dispute 03.20.05 ● Marian Ilitch, high roller 03.20.05 ● MGM Mirage to Decide on Offer for Casino in Detroit 04.16.05 ● Secret deal for MotorCity alleged 02.15.05 ● Los Coyotes get new developer 02.08.05 ● Detroit casino figure to finance Barstow project 07.07.03 ● Indian Band trying to put casino in Barstow 06.04.03 ● Pizza matriarch takes on casino roles 10.23.02 ● Vanderbilt gets short straw in negotiations for a casino Lansing Journal 10.06.02 ● Indians aim to drive family from tribe in vicious dispute san diego union tribune 04.09.00 ●Malik owns 2000 Michigan Quarter Horse of the Year 01.01.00 ● Detroit Team to run Michigan’s newest Indian casino 05.23.99 ● Tiger ties tangle Marian Ilitch 04.29.99 ● Three investors must sell their Detroit casino interests 04.25.99 ● Partners’ cash revived election; They say money was crucial to Prop-E 04.25.99 ● Investors have troubled histories las vegas review journal 04.27.99 ● Investor served probation for domestic assault on 12 year old boy 04.25.99 ● Can a pair win a jackpot?: local men hope to... 03.17.97
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