Saturday, October 01, 2011

Former Ilitch Casino Partner wants Gov. Deval Patrick to help him collect debt from Mashpee Tribe

Investor calls Wampanoag on debt

By George Brennan
Herb Strather, the Detriot developer who first invested in the Mashpee Wampanoag tribe's casino efforts in 1999, is calling on the governor to help him recoup the millions he says he spent on the tribe.

In a letter to Gov. Deval Patrick, Strather says he raised in excess of $25 million from a wide variety of investors to help the tribe gain federal recognition and pursue a casino.

He also claims that the tribe has reneged on a handshake deal to make mortgage payments for Maushop Farm, a horse stable in Mashpee he purchased for $675,000 and planned to donate to the Wampanoag once a casino was built. He produced an email from a Bank of America employee stating the mortgage is in default because of slow payments. That bank employee declined to comment Wednesday.

"We are seeking a fairness inclusion in the gaming bill that will make the tribe pay their debts before they can get a compact," Strather wrote to the governor.

A compact is a deal between a tribe and a state that sets the ground rules for how an Indian casino will operate and what payments the state would receive in lieu of taxes.

Strather's letter asks the governor to...

Much of Strather's negotiations, both for the casino and the farm, were with former tribal council Chairman Glenn Marshall. Marshall is serving a federal prison sentence after he pleaded guilty to taking some of Strather's cash and using it to make illegal campaign contributions and keeping it as a personal slush fund.

Marshall was forced to resign in 2007 after the Times reported he was a convicted rapist and that he had lied about his military record.

Still, Strather is harsher in his criticism of current tribal council Chairman Cedric Cromwell than he is of Marshall...

Most of Strather's comments about Cromwell can't be printed... (Read Full Story)

Also see:

Friday, September 30, 2011

One of Detroit Casino Syndicator Mike Malik's 'babies'

Mike Malik's 'Lil Rascal' on Cover
"Since The Beginning: Mayea Boats," a book first published in April 2008 and available on features the "Lil' Rascal," a luxury Mays Craft boat reportedly owned by Detroit casino syndicator Michael Malik.
This book tells the historic tales of the four-generation Mayea family, retracing their wooden boat building career from the early 1900s to today. For the first time this fully illustrated book reveals never before seen pictures and recounts the Mayea's involvement with renowned boat builders like John L. Hacker and Joseph Pouliot, as well as airplane designers such as, Alfred Verville and the Wright brothers.
A review of various news archives and boat owner discussion threads suggests that Malik has an obsession with Mayea built Mays Craft mahogany boats. The Lil' Rascal is apparently one of the more special of Malik's Mayea built boats. In addition to being featured on the cover of this Mayea history book, it's also featured in a photo gallery on Mayea's website. Another Mayea built boat, Temptation, is the crown in Malik's obsession collection.  Ironcially another Mays Craft boat reportedly owned by Malik is the Obssession.

Even while Malik, a Detroit based syndicator, was delinquent on property taxes, his wife’s house in foreclosure, he was tangled up in a ponzi scheme and defaulting on a $1 million line of credit, he was spending millions “investing” in a growing collection of luxury Mays-Craft mahogany boats built or restored to his personal specifications.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mayor: Don't approve Shinnecock Casino Scheme at Belmont Park at the Expense of the Surrounding Communities

Mayor Thomas J. Tweedy
Floral Park, New York

Mayor’s Message Village of Floral Park: September 29. 2011

We continue to relate our 2007 Statement of Principles not to a state controlled VLT operation but rather a Shinnecock controlled Indian full gaming casino. This week, we further examine our relationship with NYRA and an equitable future relationship with Belmont Park.

Be an Economic Engine for, and Be a Part of, Your Neighboring Communities

VIII. The facilities must continue to be an economic engine generating jobs and business for the communities in which each is located. It must be ensured that local residents and businesses are protected from any adverse economic impact as a result of activities at the facilities. Local residents should be given preference when hiring at the facilities and local businesses be given preferred status, including as suppliers, vendors and service providers. Creating an overall business and service center should be considered, with the goal of generating additional revenue streams to benefit the surrounding communities.

Be a Part of, Instead of Apart From, Your Neighboring Communities

IX. The facilities should become an integral presence within the communities in which each is located. This includes the support of and the participation in active civic and volunteer life as a pillar of the neighboring communities in which the facility exists. This includes the support and participation in annual community events and the inclusion of the local communities in events taking place at each facility, including but not limited to, world renowned thoroughbred horse racing events taking place at the facilities and recreational areas to groups and organizations in the surrounding communities.

Floral Park has steadily forged a stronger bond with its Belmont Park neighbors over the past several years. For example, NYRA President Charles Hayward graciously accepted Floral Park’s invitation to participate in our public hearing discussing Belmont Park during which he took that opportunity to publicly announce support of our Statement of Principles. Floral Park understands that Belmont Park is a vital component of our local economy, with the potential to bring even more jobs and revenues now that the State of New York has taken control over the 435-acre property from NYRA. In many ways, Governor Andrew Cuomo has an even greater moral responsibility to protect the interests of his constituents surrounding Belmont Park than any of his predecessors, who could pass the buck to NYRA when it previously controlled Belmont Park. One thing that is now clear, however, is that whatever goes on at Belmont Park is the responsibility of our elected representatives in Albany and no longer merely a group of thoroughbred horse owners.

Should legalized gambling facilities be expanded at Belmont Park, it is important that the local community gets our fair share of the economic benefits that may be generated. This includes not just during the initial construction phase, but also in the revenue stream of thousands of permanent jobs that may be created for years to come should the Shinnecock Indian Nation be allowed to develop a full scale casino and hotel facility at Belmont Park; Floral Park’s long-standing relationship with NYRA should be expanded to include the Shinnecock Indian Nation’s presence at Belmont Park too. Just as NYRA has made strides to become more involved in the civic, business and social fabric of Floral Park, the Shinnecock Nation or any other new tenant at Belmont Park must be required to embrace their new neighbors rather than take advantage of us or, worse, just ignore us.

The State of New York has a once in a generation opportunity to make Belmont Park the cornerstone of a renaissance and rejuvenation of western Nassau County that could propel our community into the rest of the century with a solid and stable economic base. All of our elected representatives, especially those in Albany, need to seriously consider any proposed changes at Belmont Park and to conduct a comprehensive due diligence review, in order to ensure that promises of quick and short term revenue infusions from Belmont Park are not done at the expense of the surrounding communities. Floral Park has demonstrated that it takes its relationship with its next-door neighbor at Belmont Park seriously and it expects the same commitment from anyone else who else wants to become new neighbors with us. It is important that any new neighbors at Belmont Park make a sincere commitment to take care of Floral Park, rather than leaving Floral Park with no other choice but it protect its interests any way it can in order to keep Floral Park a great place to live and raise a family. Floral Park has always been a good neighbor of Belmont Park and we deserve the same in return!

Despite Financial Woes, Ilitch Partner Obsessed with Buying Million Dollar Luxury Watercraft

While Detroit casino syndicator Michael Malik is delinquent on property taxes, his wife’s house is in foreclosure, he’s tangled up in a ponzi scheme and defaulting on a $1 million line of credit, he chooses to spend millions “investing” in luxurious Mays-Craft mahogany boats reportedly built or restored to his personal specifications. Why? The ego-boost of being in that "exclusive club" of Mays Craft boat owners.

Mays-Craft Boats Owned by Michael Malik or his Affiliates

Lil’ Rascal
25’ mahogany craft. 377-horsepower MerCruiser engine
25’ mahogany craft.
47’ mahogany craft. Twin Seatek diesel engines ($150,000 each). Custom features:  ostrich & mustard leather seats, granite countertops, a hand-pounded sunken brass sink, mahogany liquor cabinets, Burma teak flooring inlaid with black walnut. Value: $3,000,000.
Sea Stag II
38’ mahogany craft. Previously owned by Fess Parker & James Dean.
37’ mahogany craft.
Future commission
60’ mahogany craft.

See also:

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

12 Affiliates Newly Identified with Michael Malik and/or his Ilitch Family Partners

TVT has recently realized these previously unidentified but likely affiliates of Michael Malik and/or his partners in the Ilitch Family:

See also:

Casino Syndicator Mike Malik owns boat slips adjacent to Detroit's Bayview Yacht Club

Renegade Charters, LLC, an affiliate of Detroit casino syndicator Michael J. Malik, Sr., has held title to two boat slips adjacent to the Bayview Yacht Club in Detroit. They are located at:
  • 198 Clairpointe Street, #4, Detroit, MI 48215 (Parcel ID 21045689.004)
  • 196 Clairpointe Street, #5, Detroit, MI 48215 (Parcel ID 21045689.005)
Malik purchased these properties from the Richard P. Kughn Trust. Kughn was former Vice Chairman of Taubman Co.

According to the Wayne County Register of Deeds,the mortgage on these properties is held by Comerica Bank.

Click on map to locate
Bayview Yacht Club and Renegade's Slips

View Larger Map

See also:

Attorney Dennis Whittlesey up to his Old Tricks

Firm's Biography:
Dennis J. Whittlesey
We've had several inquiries recently about the whereabouts and activities of attorney Dennis Whittlesey. Apparently he remains with Dickinson Wright attached to that firm's Washington, D.C. office.

Whittlesey is still acting in the capacity of third-party pimp for the interests of his Detroit casino syndicator pals.  And that includes posting articles to an out dated little trafficked old blog supporting the Detroiter's agendas.

Take a look at some of the posts he's added recently to that tired blog:

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ilitch Casino Partner's $3 Million Temptation

...Among those Mays Crafts is the Temptation, an exquisite 47-footer built for Mike Malik of Detroit two years ago. The boat is powered by two Seatek diesel engines. The boat cruises at 54 miles per hour, and that's before the muscle flexing even begins.

Seats are trimmed in ostrich leather. The flooring is Burma teak. The countertops are granite. There's a bed and a dishwasher and a flat screen television and that is only a brief inventory of its incredible garnishments... (Read Full Story)

After the weekend we went to Mayea and talked to Larry Mayea.

This boat is Temptation $3,000,000+ build.

The engines are One of a kind 850 hp specially made for this boat SeaTek engines from Italy. At $150,000 each, There are only three of them: two in the boat and one extra ($150,000 worth of just in case) .
Discussion Thread

Larry [Mayea] and Bob when to Italy and picked out the ostrich leather and matching marble for this boat all the hardware is custom as well as the boat design itself.

When I was there it hadn't been delivered to the customer yet it was on stands ready to go, they were going to bring it back to Italy for the first showing.
Discussion Thread

Turns out the owner is good friends with the owner of Anchor Bay Marina (Doug) who was having the party. What an unbelievable work of art this vessel is!!!! Absolutely beautiful and very very custom in every way!!! I was thrilled to have been able to board her. To top things off I later heard last week that “Temptation” was asked for a photo shoot for a major boating magazine. “Cover Story” here on Lake St. Clair. The owner was out of town and asked Doug if he would do the honors. Soooooo…… he goes out in the lake along with a helicopter and another Mayea Boat [tracking].
Discussion Thread

Ilitch Partner Spends Millions buying his way into Exclusive Club: Mays Craft Boat Owners

By R. J. King
...In recent years, Larry Mayea, his brother, Don Mayea, 52, and their father have built or refurbished mahogany touring and speedboats for Detroit developer and entrepreneur Mike Malik, Jim Walgreen (from the Walgreens drugstore chain), Dean Griffith of Griffith Laboratories, and many others. The company has more than 300 clients, many of whom are return customers. “We customize a lot of fiberglass boats because the owners want something different from everyone else,” Larry says.

Malik has proved to be a loyal customer. The casino investor commissioned the Lil’ Rascal, a 25-foot mahogany speedboat powered by a 377-horsepower MerCruiser engine, the 25-foot Obsession, and the 47-foot Temptation. The latter craft — believed to be the longest mahogany boat powered by diesel engines — is outfitted with numerous custom features, including ostrich and mustard leather seats, granite countertops, a hand-pounded sunken brass sink, mahogany liquor cabinets, and Burma teak flooring inlaid with black walnut. There’s also a power hatch that folds out into a table, mahogany drawers that can chill wine and food, a nuclear submarine-like shifter, and a stainless-steel figurine of a prone lady that pops up into a cleat (the ultimate front deck ornament).

“Mayea has always been considered one of the premier boat builders in the world, and it’s tough to get a boat from them because so much of their work is tied to restorations,” says Malik says. “The other nice thing is that the Mayea boats appreciate in value, and only a very exclusive club of people own one.” He recently commissioned a 37-foot mahogany craft and has plans to order a 60-foot boat in the future. He also owns the Sea Stag, a 38-foot mahogany craft whose previous owners included actors Fess Parker and James Dean... Read Complete Story

See also:

Monday, September 26, 2011

Proof that Ilitch Casinos Partner was in bed with Ponzi Scheme Fugitive Jack Utsick

If there was ever any doubt that Detroit casino wheeler dealer Michael J. Malik, Sr., was in business with fugitive Jack P. Utsick, the notorious entertainment promoter wanted for bilking "investors" out of millions, TVT has just discovered this:

Click Graphic to Enlarge or Click Here to See Original Document

On March 10, 2000 Malik and Utsick organized AB Funding Company, L.L.C., with the help of attorney William D. Serwer.  The Articles of Organization, Section V, as filed with the State of Michigan indicate:
The business of the limited liability company shall be manged by or under the authority of one or more managers. The initial number of managers shall be two (2).  This number may be modified from time to time by the provisions of the limited liability company's Operating Agreement that specify or otherwise fix the number of managers.
Directly under Section V, the Articles of Organization were signed by Michael J. Malik, Trustee of the Michael J. Malik Revocable Living Trust, and Jack P. Utsick, President of The Entertainment Group Fund, Inc.

For each and every year through 2007, Michael Malik, as manager of AB Funding Company, L.L.C., filed annual statements with the State ofMichigan.  While there have been no annual statements filed since, there have also been no other documents filed terminating the entity or removing Jack Utsick. 

The State of Michigan records AB Funding Company, L.L.C., as “Active, but not in Good Standing as of 2-16-2010.”

Utsick is now a fugitive reportedly living in Brazil.

Michigan Petition Drive could let voters approve expanded gaming in Detroit, Port Huron and elsewhere

Revamped petition drive seeks Port Huron casino

by Cliff Schrader, WGRT-FM 102.3

…Our casino quest appears to be in limbo until the Bay Mills Indian Community's July 2012 federal court date. But the truth is there's a war going on.

The court case of Bay Mills vs. the State of Michigan and the Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians regarding Bay Mills' Vanderbilt casino is understood to hold our future. What happens with Vanderbilt determines the fate of Port Huron's casino.

If Chief U.S. District Judge Paul Maloney, the same judge who closed the Vanderbilt casino in a preliminary injunction earlier this year, rules against Bay Mills, Port Huron's casino bid likely dies.

Just weeks ago, Bay Mills sued Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder, declaring the land in Vanderbilt is tribal land and the state has no say in their casino operation.

At the same time, the state appears to have upped the ante. It amended its complaint against Bay Mills by adding Bay Mill's tribal elected officials and gaming commissioners as defendants.

It appears state Attorney General Bill Schuette is putting individual tribal leaders' necks on the chopping block. I was told the state believes it will be able to criminally prosecute individual tribal leaders for violating Michigan's gaming laws.

So much for the secret deal local good old boys had this community believing was cut with the attorney general's office. After some minor push back, the attorney general was supposed to cut a deal to let Bay Mills have the Port Huron casino site as a settlement.

That proved to be nothing but smoke.

But Michigan Is Yours is back. The brainchild of the late Frank Stella, the campaign's aim is to jumpstart Michigan's economy.

In early 2010, Michigan Is Yours launched a petition drive to amend Michigan's Constitution to add seven new casinos. At first, Port Huron was on that list, but was bumped. Mount Clemens replaced us.

The drive needed 380,000 signatures by July 5, 2010, but failed. It was about 30,000 short, Billy said.

This time, Port Huron is back in the mix. Billy said new ballot language was approved last week by the Michigan's Bureau of Elections.

It reads: "An initiative petition to amend the Constitution of the State of Michigan by adding Section 43 Article IX to promote the economic development of the state; to authorize casino gaming at no more than seven casinos which shall be located in Grand Rapids, Lansing, Detroit, Romulus, Benton Harbor, Saginaw and Port Huron."

The new petition drive has until March 15 to collect 320,000 signatures -- 60,000 less than last time. Billy said Michigan Is Yours is well on its way to raising $20 million to make this happen.

While there is much in the fine print, the law will mandate at least 19% of adjusted revenues will go to Michigan ventures…
Read full column as originally posted

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Shinnecock say Potential for Vegas-Style Gaming in NY won't Threaten Belmont Plans


By Jackie Nash
Separate approvals announced recently by top Albany lawmakers for Vegas-style gambling induced a scare to the Elmont and surrounding communities, which have expressed large support for a casino at Belmont Park — a project plan that has been incubating for months, and is subject to negotiations between county and state officials and the Shinnecock Indian Nation.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo stated in August that he felt New York should “come to grips” with the proliferation of casinos nationwide and begin cashing in on the industry, and allow non-Indian casinos in the state. Currently, the constitution only permits gambling on American Indian land, or through electronic slot machines at racetracks.

New Yorkers spend an estimated $3 billion gambling out-of-state annually.

For a constitutional amendment to be passed in New York, it is required to pass through both the House and Senate within in two legislative sessions, and then also pass a statewide referendum. Therefore, the earliest date that non-Indian casino gambling could be permitted in New York, if an amendment is proposed, is 2014…

…What would an amendment mean for Elmont?

According to the Shinnecock Nation, regardless of whether a proposal is made for an amendment — as well as whether that amendment leads to the construction of a casino at the Aqueduct — plans for the Belmont casino agenda will continue as expected and will not be impeded upon. And according to Randy King, chairman of the Shinnecock Indian Nation Board of Trustees, since the potential gambling market in New York is so large, the Shinnecock tribe isn’t against bringing non-Indian casinos into the mix.

However, King said, allowing casino-development to continue under Native American leadership seems to be most beneficial to the state.

On Sept. 7, King provided testimony during a public hearing in the Senate Standing Committee on Racing, Gaming and Wagering — led by Sen. John J. Bonacic — to discuss the potential of a constitutional amendment relating to casino gaming in the state. It was the first time that King…

…Non-Indian gambling is not a new topic for the state. In 1997, a state constitutional amendment legalizing casino gambling was passed by the Democrat-controlled Assembly, but was halted in the Republican-controlled Senate… or (516) 569-4000 ext. 214.
Read Complete Story

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certainly must reads!

Ilitch has backed loosing sports teams and pizza, but casinos in Detroit? 10.09.06 ● Marian Ilitch #1 on "25 Most Powerful People" to Watch 2006” global gaming business o1.oo.o5 ● My Kingdom for a Casino Forbes 05.08.06 ● Big Lagoon’s casino dream awakens north coast journal 07.28.05 ● Shinnecocks launch legal claim to Hamptons land 06.16.05 ● Ilitch Plans to Expand Casino Empire 07.05.05 ● Ilitch outbids partners 04.14.05 ● Ilitch enmeshed in NY casino dispute 03.20.05 ● Marian Ilitch, high roller 03.20.05 ● MGM Mirage to Decide on Offer for Casino in Detroit 04.16.05 ● Secret deal for MotorCity alleged 02.15.05 ● Los Coyotes get new developer 02.08.05 Detroit casino figure to finance Barstow project 07.07.03 ● Indian Band trying to put casino in Barstow 06.04.03 Pizza matriarch takes on casino roles 10.23.02 ● Vanderbilt gets short straw in negotiations for a casino Lansing Journal 10.06.02 ● Indians aim to drive family from tribe in vicious dispute san diego union tribune 04.09.00 ●Malik owns 2000 Michigan Quarter Horse of the Year 01.01.00 ● Detroit Team to run Michigan’s newest Indian casino 05.23.99 Tiger ties tangle Marian Ilitch 04.29.99 ● Three investors must sell their Detroit casino interests 04.25.99 ● Partners’ cash revived election; They say money was crucial to Prop-E 04.25.99 Investors have troubled histories las vegas review journal 04.27.99 ● Investor served probation for domestic assault on 12 year old boy 04.25.99 Can a pair win a jackpot?: local men hope to... 03.17.97