According to its 2006 IRS Form 990, Ilitch Charities for Children (aka Ilitch Charities) spent $50,000 purchasing "baseball tickets" to distribute to "disadvantaged families."
Mike Ilitch, patriarch of Detroit's Ilitch family, owns the Detroit Tigers Major League Baseball (MLB) team. The family-owned Olympia Entertainment holds the mangament and licensing contracts for Comerica Park, the home field of the Detroit Tigers. Ilitch Holdings, Inc. is the parent company of these and other Ilitch family-owned enterprises.
Christopher Ilitch, CEO of Ilitch Holdings and a member of MotorCity Casino's management committee, is chairman of Ilitch Charities and his wife Kelle is a director. Christopher Ilitch's former executive assistant, David Agius, is president and treasurer of Ilitch Charities.
It's all verifiable: archives, resources and stuff they might not tell you.
A comprehensive archive chronicling the activities of Motor City casino syndicators (Marian Ilitch & Family, Michael Malik, Herb Strather, etc.); their associates, partners & affiliates; and the unfulfilled commercial & Indian casino schemes they are bankrolling in Michigan (Port Huron, Flint Township), Hawaii (Waikiki), New York (Long Island / The Hamptons), and California (Barstow).
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Ilitch charitable foundations used to promote struggling gambling hall

Detroit's powerful Ilitch family is using its various affiliated charitable foundations to promote and possibly even generate revenue for the struggling Detroit casino owned by the family's matriarch.
According to a press release marketing the two-day festivities, on August 24 & 25, Ilitch Charities along with the Detroit Tigers Foundation and the Detroit Red Wings Foundation, hosted a Detroit area golf tournament which was preceded by a "Summer Soiree" preview party at Detroit's MotorCity Casino.
According to a press release marketing the two-day festivities, on August 24 & 25, Ilitch Charities along with the Detroit Tigers Foundation and the Detroit Red Wings Foundation, hosted a Detroit area golf tournament which was preceded by a "Summer Soiree" preview party at Detroit's MotorCity Casino.
The gambling hall is reportedly owned entirely by Mrs. Marian Ilitch. Family patriarch Patriarch Mike Ilitch owns the Detroit Tigers and along with Marian is co-owner of the Detroit Red Wings.
Christopher Ilitch, CEO of Ilitch Holdings and a member of MotorCity Casino's management committee, is the chairman of Ilitch Chairities and his wife Kelle is a director. David Agius, Christopher Ilitch's one-time executive assistant, is the President of Ilitch Charities. Patriarch Mike Ilitch owns the Detroit Tigers and along with Marian is co-owner of the Detroit Red Wings.
The Ilitch events were marketed as opportunities to play golf and mingle at MotorCity Casino with Hollywood celebrities as well as managers, players and coaches affiliated with the Ilitch owned Detroit Red Wings and Detroit Tigers.
The Ilitch family has been using its charitable foundations and other assets to promote and drive revenues to MotorCity Casino. Twice before the Detroit Red Wings Foundation and player from the NHL franchise have been used to promote poker tournaments at MotorCity Casino.
The Ilitch events were marketed as opportunities to play golf and mingle at MotorCity Casino with Hollywood celebrities as well as managers, players and coaches affiliated with the Ilitch owned Detroit Red Wings and Detroit Tigers.
The Ilitch family has been using its charitable foundations and other assets to promote and drive revenues to MotorCity Casino. Twice before the Detroit Red Wings Foundation and player from the NHL franchise have been used to promote poker tournaments at MotorCity Casino.
Major League Baseball (MLB) has strict prohibitions against gambling and casinos which apply to its players, managers, coaches and owners. The press release suggest those currently affiliated with the Tigers baseball team were partcipants at the MotorCity Casino party.
Even after spending more than $300,000 renovating and expanding MotorCity Casino, revenues at the Ilitch-owned gambling hall have been on the decline. Crain's Detroit reports that revenues at the Ilitch casino are down 1.5% over the previous 12 months and in July alone revenues took a 7.26% dive. In the last several years, Moody's and Standard & Poor's have downgraded the credit ratings for MotorCity Casino (aka CCM Merger, Inc.)
Even after spending more than $300,000 renovating and expanding MotorCity Casino, revenues at the Ilitch-owned gambling hall have been on the decline. Crain's Detroit reports that revenues at the Ilitch casino are down 1.5% over the previous 12 months and in July alone revenues took a 7.26% dive. In the last several years, Moody's and Standard & Poor's have downgraded the credit ratings for MotorCity Casino (aka CCM Merger, Inc.)
Attorneys try to block Malik's sentencing and keep him from possibly doing jail time

Michigan resident Michael Malik was found guilty earlier this month in Arizona on charges involving the illegal discharge of a firearm.
The Pinetop Justice Court was set to sentence Malik on August 15th but his attorneys have been working to block sentencing which could include up to four months in jail, two years of probation and a five year ban on hunting anywhere in the United States.
Reports out of Pinetop, Arizona, suggest Malik’s attorneys are frantically filing motions to block sentencing and keep him from possibly doing four months in jail. Malik and his hired guns are trying to find a way to appeal the court’s guilty finding and at least get Malik a new trial.
Reports out of Pinetop, Arizona, suggest Malik’s attorneys are frantically filing motions to block sentencing and keep him from possibly doing four months in jail. Malik and his hired guns are trying to find a way to appeal the court’s guilty finding and at least get Malik a new trial.
The Pinetop Justice Court is reported to have schedule another hearing in the matter on August 29th.
Local residents were furious with Malik’s disregard for Arizona’s gun and hunting laws and there’s been an outcry urging the court to make an example of millionaire Malik by giving him the maximum sentence. Other gun enthusiasts and hunters agree that Malik’s behavior was despicable.
Local residents were furious with Malik’s disregard for Arizona’s gun and hunting laws and there’s been an outcry urging the court to make an example of millionaire Malik by giving him the maximum sentence. Other gun enthusiasts and hunters agree that Malik’s behavior was despicable.
Malik is a casino syndicator who is closely affiliated with Detroit's powerful Ilitch family.
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certainly must reads!
● Ilitch has backed loosing sports teams and pizza, but casinos in Detroit? 10.09.06 ● Marian Ilitch #1 on "25 Most Powerful People" to Watch 2006” global gaming business o1.oo.o5 ● My Kingdom for a Casino Forbes 05.08.06 ● Big Lagoon’s casino dream awakens north coast journal 07.28.05 ● Shinnecocks launch legal claim to Hamptons land 06.16.05 ● Ilitch Plans to Expand Casino Empire 07.05.05 ● Ilitch outbids partners 04.14.05 ● Ilitch enmeshed in NY casino dispute 03.20.05 ● Marian Ilitch, high roller 03.20.05 ● MGM Mirage to Decide on Offer for Casino in Detroit 04.16.05 ● Secret deal for MotorCity alleged 02.15.05 ● Los Coyotes get new developer 02.08.05 ● Detroit casino figure to finance Barstow project 07.07.03 ● Indian Band trying to put casino in Barstow 06.04.03 ● Pizza matriarch takes on casino roles 10.23.02 ● Vanderbilt gets short straw in negotiations for a casino Lansing Journal 10.06.02 ● Indians aim to drive family from tribe in vicious dispute san diego union tribune 04.09.00 ●Malik owns 2000 Michigan Quarter Horse of the Year 01.01.00 ● Detroit Team to run Michigan’s newest Indian casino 05.23.99 ● Tiger ties tangle Marian Ilitch 04.29.99 ● Three investors must sell their Detroit casino interests 04.25.99 ● Partners’ cash revived election; They say money was crucial to Prop-E 04.25.99 ● Investors have troubled histories las vegas review journal 04.27.99 ● Investor served probation for domestic assault on 12 year old boy 04.25.99 ● Can a pair win a jackpot?: local men hope to... 03.17.97
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